Table of Contents
Withdrawal and Transfer
Transfer of Records
Celebrations and Closings
Closing Due to Extreme Weather
Communication and Family Partnership
Daily Communications
Bulletin Boards
Parent Resource Room
Family Visits
Family Night
Curricula and Assessment
Developmental Screening
Drop-off and Pick-up
General Procedure
Authorized & Unauthorized Pick-up
Fire Safety
Emergency Transportation
Communication Policies
Outings and Field Trips
Guidance and Behavior
General Procedure
Challenging Behavior
Physical Restraint
Notification of Behavioral Issues to Families
Health and Safety
Communicable Diseases
Inclusion and Non-Discrimination
Foods Brought from Home
Food Prepared for or at the Center
Food Allergies
Meal Time
Infant Feedings
Toddler Feedings
School Aged Participants
Personal Belongings
What to Bring
Right to Refuse Child Release
Extreme Weather and Outdoor Play
Communal Water-Play
Respectful Behavior
Cell Phone Usage
Prohibited Substances
Dangerous Weapons
Child Custody
Suspected Child Abuse
Toilet Training
Tuition& Fees
If your child is going to be absent or arrive after AM, please call us at . We will be concerned about your child if we do not hear from you.
[A] Vacation days only apply if your child is normally scheduled to attend on those days. Each child is given vacation days each calendar year.
[B] While we recognize the value of family vacations, the center does not provide credit for vacation days.
A written notice, weeks in advance, is required by the center when a child is being withdrawn. Failure to notify will result in forfeiture of your two-week deposit.
Transfer of Records
Whether transitioning to the next program setting or to a new classroom, your child’s records will be transferred internally.
If your child is transitioning to a new school, a written request from you with instructions to where the records should be sent is required.
Our holiday policy encourages an enhanced understanding of and respect for different cultures and beliefs of children, families, staff and community.
Closing Due to Extreme Weather
Should severe weather or other conditions (i.e., snow, storms, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes, earthquakes, blizzards, loss of power, loss of water) prevent us from opening on time or at all, notification to the families will be announced on .
If it becomes necessary to close early, we will contact you or your emergency contacts as soon as possible. Your child’s early pick-up is your responsibility to arrange.
Communication & Family Partnership
Daily Communications.
Daily notes from center staff will keep you informed about your child’s activities and experiences at the center. Notes will be placed into your child’s cubby at the end of the day.
Bulletin Boards.
Located throughout the center, bulletin boards provide center news, upcoming events, faculty changes, holiday closing dates, announcements, etc.
newsletters provide center news, events, announcements, etc. These newsletters are available at the sign-in/sign-out desk for your taking.
We encourage you to provide an email address that you use regularly so that we may send you announcements, event invitations, newsletters and general updates.
Parent Resource Room.
Our parent resource room provides a learning environment for parents to share opinions, ideas and experiences and increase their understanding of learning and development.
Family Visits.
Family participation is encouraged. Visit our classrooms, volunteer, come along on a field trip, or eat a meal with your child. Signing in is required for the safety and protection of our children. Each visitor must wear a visitor’s badge while on premises and sign-out upon leaving.
Family Night.
Family nights are scheduled on a regular basis. These nights include snacks, drinks and fun filled age-appropriate activities for families. Family Nights allow families and children time to share, learn, and have fun. Families have an opportunity to be a part of their child’s learning experience and connect with other families.
Family & teacher conferences occur a year. During these conferences, we will discuss your child’s strengths, likes and dislikes, and styles of learning. We will work together to set goals for your child’s growth and development. You may request additional conferences regarding your child’s progress at any time. We encourage you to communicate any concerns.
Curricula and Assessment
As part of this curriculum, we gather information about each child’s developmental abilities and evaluate progress so we can modify and adjust what we are doing in our classroom so as to deliver the best individualized instruction for each child. This evaluation is communicated to families periodically during the school year using various formal and informal tools, forms, and resources.
For information about your child’s day, please see copies of daily schedules and lesson plans posted in each classroom.
Developmental Screening
To coincide with curriculum-based assessment(s), we monitor each child’s achievement of developmental milestones, share observations with parents/guardians, and provide resource information as needed for further screenings, evaluations, and early intervention and treatment. The developmental screening process is a collaborative one, involving parents/guardians and done in conjunction with the child’s primary care provider and health, education, and early intervention consultants. Developmental screening is conducted with written consent from the child’s parent/guardian(s).
Drop-off & Pick-up
General Procedure
Parents are expected to accompany their children and sign them in.
Authorized & Unauthorized Pick-up
Your child will only be released to you or those persons you have listed as Emergency and Release Contacts. If you want a person who is not identified as an Emergency and Release Contact to pick-up your child, you must notify us in advance, in writing. Your child will not be released without prior written authorization. The person picking up your child will be required to show a picture ID as verification. Please notify your pick-up person of our policy.
Fire Safety
We are equipped with fire safety gear and materials
We practice regular evacuation drills.
Emergency Transportation
In the event your child needs to be transported due to a medical emergency, if no other authorized person can be contacted and the need for transportation is essential, an ambulance will be called for transportation. A proper escort will accompany and remain with the child until a family member or emergency contact arrives.
Communication Policies, Procedure and Practices
So we may ensure that we have up-to-date contact information for each family, families will supply the program with up-to-date emergency contact information for their family and child(ren). Please complete the attached Emergency Contact Information Form and return it to and return it not later than .
It is important for families and staff to communicate often and to be transparent with one another. Please voice concerns or questions you have with staff as soon as possible.
Staff will use multiple methods to communicate updates with families. Methods may include email, text, website, telephone or social media.
It is the family’s responsibility to actively engage and follow up on communications.
If the current situation changes and it becomes necessary to update our policies and procedures or close our program temporarily, we will notify key family contact immediately.
Families may follow our social media page for late-breaking program updates.
Outings & Field Trips
Weather permitting; we conduct minutes of supervised outdoor play and/or walking trips around the neighborhood times a day for all children. Children are accounted for at all times. A permission statement for participation in walking trips is included in the enrollment package.
From time to time, there will be supervised field trips, and we encourage you to join your child on the trip. Permission Slips for each trip must be signed by the child’s family.
For field trips, please dress your child appropriately for the season. Walking shoes are a must. Sandals and flip-flops are not appropriate for walking and make it difficult for your child.
The safety of children and staff will be guarded in all activities of child care programs. Proper restraint systems (seat belts) and the correct use of them are critically important during travel to/from the child care program as well as during field trips.
State rules prohibit children under 2 from going on field trips or outings if transportation is needed.
General Procedure
Winifred’s is committed to each student’s success in learning within a caring, responsive, and safe environment that is free of discrimination, violence, and bullying. Our center works to ensure that all students have the opportunity and support to develop to their fullest potential and share a personal and meaningful bond with people in the school community.
Thoughtful direction and planning ahead are used to prevent problems and encourage appropriate behavior. Communicating consistent, clear rules and involving children in problem solving help children develop their ability to become self-disciplined. We encourage children to be fair, to be respectful of other people, of property, and to learn to understand the results of their actions.
Challenging Behavior
Children are guided to treat each other and adults with self-control and kindness.
Each student at has a right to:
Learn in a safe and friendly place
Be treated with respect
Receive the help and support of caring adults
When a child becomes verbally or physically aggressive, we intervene immediately to protect all of the children. Our usual approach to helping children with challenging behaviors is to show them how to solve problems using appropriate interactions. When discipline is necessary, it is clear, consistent and understandable to the child. We maintain a zero tolerance to bullying. If you have any concerns about this at any time, please report it to the Director of the Center.
Physical Restraint
Physical restraint is not used or permitted for discipline. There are rare instances when we need to ensure a child’s safety or that of others and we may restrain a child by gently holding her or him only for as long as is necessary for control of the situation.
Notification of Behavioral Issues to Families
If a child’s behavior/circumstance is of concern, communication will begin with the parents as the first step to understanding the child’s individual needs and challenges. We will work together to evaluate these needs in the context of our program.
On rare occasions, a child’s behavior may warrant the need to find a more suitable setting for care. Examples of such instances include:
A child appears to be a danger to others.
Continued care could be harmful to, or not in the best interest of the child as determined by a medical, psychological, or social service personnel.
Undue burden on our resources and finances for the child’s accommodations for success and participation.
Immunizations are required according to the current schedule recommended by the U.S. Public Health Services and the American Academy of Pediatrics, Every , we check with the public health department or the American Academy of Pediatrics for updates of the recommended immunization schedule. Our state regulations regarding attendance of children who are not immunized due to religious or medical reasons are followed. Unimmunized children are excluded during outbreaks of vaccine preventable illness as directed by the state health department.
All caregivers, teachers, and staff are required to be current with all immunizations routinely recommended for adults by the Advisory Committee on Immunization Practices (ACIP) of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).
Routine physicals are required according to the current recommendations of the American Academy of Pediatrics, A copy of your child’s physical should be received before but must be received no later than 6 weeks after your child begins the program. Families are responsible for assuring that their child’s physicals are kept up-to-date and that a copy of the results of the child’s health assessment is given to the program.
Daily Health Check
We conduct a health check, as soon as possible, when each child enters the center each day. We look for skin rashes, elevated temperatures, itchy scalps, lethargy and changes from usual behavior. These are quick checks to protect the well-being of all children in the program. Please understand these are not physicals and do not substitute for proper routine pediatric care.
We understand that it is difficult for a family member to leave or miss work, but to protect other children; you may not bring a sick child to the center. The center has the right to refuse a child who appears ill. You will be called and asked to retrieve your child if your child exhibits any of the following symptoms. This is not an all-inclusive list. We will try to keep your child comfortable but he/she will be excluded from all activities until you arrive.
Illness that prevents your child from participating in activities.
Illness that results in greater need for care than we can provide.
Illness that poses a risk of spread of harmful diseases to others.
Fever (100°F or higher under the arm, 101°F or higher in the mouth, 102°F or higher in the ear) accompanied by other symptoms.
Diarrhea – stools with blood or mucus, and/or uncontrolled, unformed stools that cannot be contained in a diaper/underwear or toilet.
Vomiting – green or bloody, and/or more than 2 times during the previous 24 hours.
Mouth sores caused by drooling.
Rash with fever, unless a physician has determined it is not a communicable disease.
Pink or red conjunctiva with white or yellow eye discharge, until on antibiotics for 24 hours.
Impetigo, until 24 hours after treatment.
Strep throat, until 24 hours after treatment.
Head lice, until treatment and all nits are removed.
Scabies, until 24 hours after treatment.
Chickenpox, until all lesions have dried and crusted.
Pertussis (Whooping Cough), until 5 days of antibiotics.
Hepatitis A virus, until one week after immune globulin has been administered.
Tuberculosis, until a health professional indicates the child is not infectious.
Rubella, until 6 days after the rash appears.
Mumps, until 5 days after onset of parotid gland swelling.
Measles, until 4 days after onset of rash.
Has a physician or other health professionals written order that child be separated from other children.
Children who have been ill may return when:
They are free of fever, vomiting and diarrhea for 24 hours.
They have been treated with an antibiotic for 24 hours.
They are able to participate comfortably in all usual activities.
They are free of open, oozing skin conditions and drooling (not related to teething) unless:
The child’s physician signs a note stating that the child’s condition is not contagious, and;
The involved areas can be covered by a bandage without seepage or drainage through the bandage.
If a child had a reportable communicable disease, a physician’s note stating that the child is no longer contagious and may return to our care is required.
Head Lice
Children with head lice will not be allowed to return to the center until they have been treated and no further head lice or nits are detected during a health check.
Allergy Prevention
Families are expected to notify us regarding children’s food and environmental allergies. Families of children with diagnosed allergies are required to provide us a letter detailing the child’s symptoms, reactions, treatments and care. A list of the children’s allergies will be posted in the main area and kitchen. We are trained to familiarize ourselves and consult the list to avoid the potential of exposing children to substances to which they have known allergies.
All medications should be handed to a staff member with specific instructions for administration. Medications should never be left in the child’s cubby or with the child to administer on their own. Our staff will ensure that the medication is recorded along with the directions and proceed to dispense the medication as directed.
Prescription medications require a note signed by the family and a written order from the child’s physician. The label on the medication meets this requirement. The medication must include your child’s name, dosage, current date, frequency, and the name and phone number of the physician. All medications must be in the original container (you may request pharmacies to fill your prescription in two labeled bottles). Please specify the dosage and time(s) to be administered for each medication.
Non-prescription medications require a note signed by the . Non-prescription medication should not be administered for more than a 3-day period unless a written order by the physician is received.
Non-prescription topical ointments (e.g., diaper cream) require a note signed by the , specifying frequency and dosage to be administered.
Communicable Diseases
When an enrolled child or an employee of the center has a (suspected) reportable disease, it is our legal responsibility to notify the local Board of Health or Department of Public Health. We will take care to notify families about exposure so children can receive preventive treatments. Included among the reportable illnesses are the following:
Bacterial Meningitis
Chicken Pox
H1N1 Virus
Haemophilus Influenza (invasive)
Measles (including suspect)
Meningococcal Infection (invasive)
Poliomyelitis (including suspect)
Rabies (human only)
Rubella Congenital and Non-congenital (including suspect)
Tetanus (including suspect)
Any cluster/outbreak of illness
Winifred’s believes that children of all ability levels are entitled to the same opportunities for participation, acceptance and belonging in child care. We will make every reasonable accommodation to encourage full and active participation of all children in our program based on their individual capabilities and needs.
At Winifred’s, equal educational opportunities are available for all children, without regard to race, color, creed, national origin, gender, age, ethnicity, religion, disability, or parent/provider political beliefs, marital status, sexual orientation or special needs, or any other consideration made unlawful by federal, state or local laws. Educational programs are designed to meet the varying needs of all students.
Multiculturalism is vital for all children because it sets social goals and promotes respect for all people and the environment we inhabit. We utilize books, music, games, and a wide range of activities as aids to teach our children respect for our world and the diversity of life upon it.
Foods Brought from Home
[A] We request that you do not bring food from home into our center.
[B] Food brought from home is permitted under the following conditions:
Perishable food to be shared with other children must be store-bought and in its original package.
Baked goods may be made at home if they are fully cooked, do not require refrigeration and were made with freshly purchased ingredients. A list of ingredients is required, and there must be enough food for all children.
Foods should be labeled with the child’s name, date, and type of food.
Children will not be allowed to share food provided by the child’s family unless the food is intended for sharing with all of the children.
Leftover food will be discarded except for foods that do not require refrigeration and/or come in a commercially-wrapped package that was never opened.
Good Lunch Box Suggestions for a Balanced, Nutritional Lunch.
½ turkey sandwich
Celery sticks
Chicken strips
Orange wedges
Peanut butter on graham crackers
Apple slices
Carrot sticks
Sugar snap peas
100% juice
Food Prepared for or at the Center
Food prepared for or at the center will be properly planned, prepared and portioned according to the Child and Adult Care Food Program ( and the state requirements for food service.
Food Allergies
If your child has a food allergy, you must notify us in writing so that we can make appropriate substitutions. The written notification should list appropriate food substitutions and must be updated at least annually.
Food allergies can be life threatening and each child with a food allergy should have an action plan for emergency care completed by the family physician.
Meal Time
At meal time the dining table is set with plates and flatware, and the food is placed in small bowls from which the children can help themselves. Everyone sits at the same table. Children are encouraged to serve themselves from food passed around each table. Good table manners are modeled and encouraged. Weekly menus are posted for viewing by parents/caregivers.
A caregiver who is trained in first-aid for choking is present at all meals.
Infant Feedings
Infant feedings follow these procedures:
Infants will be held for bottle-feeding until able to hold his or her own bottle. Bottles will never be propped.
Infants are fed “on cue” to the extent possible (at least every 4 hours and usually not more than hourly) and by a consistent caregiver/teacher.
Breastfeeding is supported by providing a place for nursing mothers to feed their babies.
Expressed breast milk may be brought from home if frozen or kept cold during transit. All breast milk and formula shall be returned to the child’s home or discarded at the end of each day. Previously frozen, thawed breast milk must be used within 24 hours. Bottles must be clearly labeled with the child’s name and the date the milk was expressed. Frozen breast milk must be dated and may be kept in the freezer for up to days.
Breast milk and formula brought from home must be dated and labeled with the child’s name.
Labels on all milk/formula containers should be resistant to loss of the name and date/time when washing and handling.
Solid foods will only be introduced after a consultation with the child’s family.
Toddler Feedings
Children are encouraged to self-feed to the extent that they have the skills. Children are encouraged, but not forced to eat a variety of foods.
Round, firm foods that pose a choking hazard for children less than 4 years of age are not permitted. These foods include: hot dogs, whole grapes, peanuts, popcorn, thickly spread peanut butter and hard candy.
School Aged Participants
Before and after school child care participants will be offered a light snack at each session.
These snacks are not a meal. If your child will be arriving before , arrangements can be made to serve your child breakfast or dinner. Otherwise, please make sure your child has had breakfast before arriving at child care and is supplied with an adequate lunch if required for school.
Personal Belongings
What to Bring
Infants: enough clean bottles for a day’s use, at least 6 diapers per day, and at least 2 changes of clothes per day.
Toddlers: enough clean bottles for a day’s use (if applicable), six diapers and at least two changes of clothes per day.
Older Toddlers: at least two changes of clothes or more per day if going through the toilet training program.
Preschoolers: at least one change of clothes, socks and shoes.
Kindergarteners: at least one change of clothes, socks and shoes.
After School Care Children: books for homework, appropriate play clothes
Please label all items brought from home with your child’s name (i.e., clothes, bottles, diapers, pacifiers, crib sheet, blanket, etc.) to prevent items from becoming misplaced or lost. We are not responsible for lost or damaged items. Sheets and soiled clothing will be sent home on an as-needed basis for laundering and return to the center.
Upon enrollment each child will be assigned a “cubby.” Cubbies are labeled with your child’s name . Please check your child’s cubby on a daily basis for items that need to be taken home.
Lost & Found
You can look for lost items and bring found items to the Lost-and-found Box located at the . Please note that we are not responsible for lost personal property.
Toys from Home
We request that you do not allow your child to bring toys from home into the center unless they are part of a show-and-tell activity.
Right to Refuse Child Release
We may refuse to release children if we have reasonable cause to suspect that any person picking up a child is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, or is physically or emotionally impaired in any way that may endanger the child. To protect your child, we may request that another adult listed as an Emergency and Release Contact pick-up the child or we may call the police to prevent potential harm to your child. Reoccurring situations may result in the release of your child from the program.
Please dress your child in practical clothing that allows for freedom of movement and is appropriate for the weather. Your child will be involved in a variety of activities including: painting, outdoor play, sand, weather, and other sensory activities. Our playground is used as an extension of the center, and daily programs are conducted outside whenever weather permits.
One particular aspect of concern is the risk associated with children’s clothing that may become entangled with climbing or sliding equipment that could lead to choking or other serious harm. All drawstrings from children’s clothes should be removed as a precaution.
Sandals and flip-flops are not appropriate for center play and make it difficult for your child to participate in some activities.
Extreme Weather and Outdoor Play
Outdoor play will not occur if the outside temperature is greater than °F or less than °F degrees. Additionally, outdoor play will be cancelled if the air quality rating is or below.
Communal Water-Play
Communal, unsupervised water play is prohibited. Supervised children are permitted to engage in water-play. Precautions are taken to ensure that communal water-play does not spread communicable infectious disease.
Safety is a major concern in child care and so daily safety inspections are completed inside and outside the center area in order to prevent injuries. First aid will be administered by a trained caregiver in the event that your child sustains a minor injury (e.g., scraped knee). You will receive an incident report outlining the incident and course of action taken. If the injury produces any type of swelling or needs medical attention, you will be contacted immediately. Each classroom is equipped with a first aid kit meeting the state regulations.
In the event of a serious medical emergency, the child will be taken to the hospital immediately by ambulance, while we will try to contact you or an emergency contact.
Biting is a normal stage of development that is common among infants and toddlers – and sometimes even among preschoolers. It is something that most young children will try at least once.
When biting happens, our response will be to care for and help the child who was bitten and to help the biter to learn a more appropriate behavior. Our focus will not be on punishment for biting, but on effective behaviors that address the specific reason for biting.
Notes will be written to the family of the child who was bitten and the biter’s family. We will work together with the families of each to keep them informed and to develop strategies for change.
Respectful Behavior
All children and families will be treated with respect and dignity. In return, we expect the same from all of our families. We will not tolerate hostile or aggressive behavior. If this occurs, we reserve the right to ask you to control your behavior or to remove your children from our care.
Cell Phone Usage
The times you spend in the center dropping off and picking up your child are the primary windows of time we have to communicate with one another about your child. In order to make the best use of these opportunities, as well as to be attentive to your child, other children and adults who may wish to communicate with you, we ask that you NOT use your cell phone at anytime while visiting the center.
The poisons in secondhand smoke are especially harmful to infants and young children’s developing bodies, therefore the indoor and outdoor center environment and vehicles used by the center are non-smoking areas at all times. The use of tobacco in any form is prohibited on the center’s premises.
Prohibited Substances
The use of alcohol or illegal drugs is prohibited on the center’s premises. Possession of illegal substances or unauthorized potentially toxic substances is prohibited.
Any adult who appears to be inebriated, intoxicated, or otherwise under the influence of mind-altering or polluting substances is required to leave the premises immediately.
Dangerous Weapons
A dangerous weapon is a gun, knife, razor, or any other object, which by the manner it is used or intended to be used, is capable of inflicting bodily harm. Families, children, staff or guests (other than law enforcement officers) possessing a dangerous weapon will not be permitted onto the premises.
In cases that clearly involve a gun, or any other weapon on our premises, the police will be called and the individual(s) involved will be immediately removed from the premises. This policy applies to visible or concealed weapons.
Child Custody
Without a court document, both parents/guardians have equal rights to custody. We are legally bound to respect the wishes of the parent/guardian with legal custody based on a certified copy of the most recent court order, active restraining order, or court-ordered visitation schedule. We will not accept the responsibility of deciding which parent/guardian has legal custody where there is no court documentation.
Suspected Child Abuse
We are required by law to report all observations of child abuse or neglect cases to the appropriate state authorities if we have reasonable cause to believe or suspect a child is suffering from abuse or neglect or is in danger of abuse or neglect, no matter where the abuse might have occurred. The child protective service agency will determine appropriate action and may conduct an investigation. It then becomes the role of the agency to determine if the report is substantiated and to work with the family to ensure the child’s needs are met. Our center will cooperate fully with any investigation and will maintain confidentiality concerning any report of child abuse or neglect.
Toilet Training
The most important factor in making the toilet learning experience successful and as low-stress as possible is a family/teacher partnership that supports the child. Research indicates that children cannot successfully learn how to use the toilet until they are physically, psychologically, and emotionally ready. Many pediatricians say that most children under 24 months of age are not physically capable of regulating bladder and bowel muscles. Most positive toilet training occurs only after children show signs of physical control or awareness of their bodily functions and when they demonstrate an interest or curiosity in the process. We are committed to working with you to make sure that toilet learning is carried out in a manner that is consistent with your child’s physical and emotional abilities and your family’s concerns.
Your child’s transition in child care should be a positive and exciting learning adventure. We will work with you and your child to ensure the smoothest possible transition occurs as new routines and new people are introduced.
Transition from home to center
Prior to your child’s first day, you will have an opportunity to tour the center, meet with your child’s peers and teachers, and communicate any anticipated concerns. At this time please share the best communication methods that the teacher may use to reach you.
Transition to elementary school
Transition activities such as a field trip to a local elementary school, creating a mural of special friends and special times at our center will be part of your child’s education at our center. We will provide you with information on local schools, what to expect, and ideas on how to talk to your child about going to elementary school.
Tuition and Fees
Families contract for a specific weekly schedule as indicated on the Enrollment Agreement Form. Payment that is on-time and in full enables us to pay teachers a stable salary and maintain the necessary schedule.
Payment is always due on the first day that your child starts for the week. The week starts on Sunday and ends on Saturday. You must discuss scheduling prior to the day of care to ensure a spot for that day.
You can pay daily, weekly or monthly.
Voucher parents must pay full price until the voucher is processed with the daycare.
Methods of Payment
Payments are accepted only in cash or over Zelle
Late payments are not permitted.
Late Pick-up Fees
Late pick-up is not a normal program option and will only be considered as an exceptional occurrence. Late fees will be applied after 15 minutes after predetermined pickup time. Late fee must be paid on the day of the late pickup for the child to return to care.
Other Fees
From time-to-time there will be additional fees associated with special activities or field trips. These fees are due prior to the event, activity or trip.
A non-refundable enrollment/ registration fee is upon submitting your application for admission.